Top 3 NTU Food

“They said that school is your second home”. Do you ever feel demotivated upon hearing this? Feeling stressed with the endless school work and assignments? Fret not! You can eat delicious school food to divert your mind when you are stressed!  

NTU is known to have a wide variety of F&B at North Spine, South Spine, and various canteens. Basically, all around the campus! Below is the Top 3 NTU food that you can enjoy!

1.       Korean Cuisine (Pioneer Hall Canteen)

The Korean Cuisine stall located at Pioneer Hall Canteen is a legit Korean stall runned by Koreans, hence most authentic and is one of the exotic and awesome food stalls you can find on the campus! The Korean stall has been given rave reviews, even many Korean exchange students in NTU also love to eat there! This is where you get a taste of Korea, out of Korea!

You can find numerous type of Korean food including Chicken, Pork, Beef, Ginseng Chicken Soup, Ramen, Bibimbap (Korean mixed rice), Kimchi fried rice and many more!

Pork Bulgogi (Dwaeji Bulgogi)

 As recommended by fellow Korean exchange students in NTU, the taste of the Pork Bulgogi dish is really great, and so we decided to have it a try as well! Bulgogi is known as famous Korean specialty barbecued meat.  While it’s normally made from beef, bulgogi can also be made with thin strips of pork or chicken! Before the mean is grilled, it’s marinated in sweet soy sauce with lots of garlic and sesame oil! Many other Korean stalls out there has a lot of garlic but this version above has none! Hence, we love it! Well, we believe majority of people doesn’t like to eat garlic, right?  If you are a Korean food lover as well as a Pork lover, this Pork Bulgogi is a dish you should not miss! Highly recommended!

Ginseng Chicken Soup

Here are some of the prices for your reference.

Chicken - $4.50
Pork - $4.50
Ginseng Chicken - $5

As the capacity of human stomach is limited, it is quite a regret that we were not able to try out more other types of Korean food! However, we will definitely visit the stall again next time!

Address: Pioneer Food Court, 156 Nanyang Crescent Singapore 637125
How to get there: Bus 179 (Hall 1) or NTU Campus Loop – Red
Opening hours: 7am – 9pm

2.       Yong Tau Foo Stall (Pioneer Hall Canteen)

You may wonder what’s so special about this Yong Tau Foo (YTF) stall. Perhaps, their YTF is nice? Well, you are somehow wrong because the dish that attracts many students to eat there is not the usual YTF (where you get to choose your own ingredients) but is their ‘Gaochao’ aka 干炒 (Dry Fry) noodle!
If you are a NTU student, you should have had heard of the 干炒 noodle! Many students recommended it stating that the taste is great! 

The price of it is about $5. You can have a try as well if you happen to pass by Pioneer Hall!

Address: Pioneer Food Court, 156 Nanyang Crescent Singapore 637125
How to get there: Bus 179 (Hall 1) or NTU Campus Loop – Red
Opening hours: 7am – 9pm

3.       Mini Wok (North Spine Food Court)

North Spine Food Court offers delectable array of local delights at affordable prices to cater to the students. The wide variety of food choices include hot favourites such as the Mini Wok!

This stall has many hot favourites such as their Kung Bao Chicken Rice.

Their Kung Bao Chicken Rice is really nice! We have been addicted to it ever since our first try! Especially the sauce, it is really great when mixed with the rice which complement and enhance the overall taste! You should really try out one day! However, one thing to take note we have ate 3 times and the spiciness of the Kung Bao Chicken is always inconsistent! Do remember to bring along a water bottle just in case haha!

The price of Kung Bao Chicken Rice is $4! Definitely affordable and worth the price!

Address: 76 Nanyang Drive, N2.1, #02-03, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637331 (the level just above McDonald, Starbucks)
Opening hours: 7am – 9pm



Feel free to send us any feedback regarding our food reviews! If you have any haolobang to share with us, feel free to contact us!


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Nanyang Technological University